ACTIVITY, EVENTS and PROGRAMS DESCRIPTIONS- TBD and may be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Get Involved – Ways to Help the PTO
Our mission is to enrich and maximize the education of every child at George Westergard Elementary School. We achieve this by coordinating, and contributing both money and manpower to a variety of events, programs, and more. Westergard PTO is an all-volunteer organization and we simply cannot continue our mission without volunteers. We need YOU!
EVERYONE is welcome to help us! The PTO is VERY grateful for every parent who steps up and offers to help us by giving their time to help our cause and strive to make every parent volunteer feel welcome and appreciated! We are not the “clique” parent-teacher organization that movies are made of — we are all just a bunch of parents who love our kids and our school and want to help make Westergard a great place for all!
About Volunteering
There are many volunteer opportunities available, regardless of the amount of time or experience you have to offer. To express your interest in any volunteer role at Westergard PTO, please read the descriptions below, then submit our PTO Volunteer Interest Form. Please note that there are many other volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Watch our news section and email blasts for other opportunities as they become available!
The following is an overview of the board and committee positions offered throughout the year. Many of these positions need to be filled the year before to ensure a successful program.
Board Positions
President: Helps set the goals and direction for the organization. Run and set agenda for general meetings. Oversees and coordinates the board’s work and delegates tasks. Helps set and administer the budget. Manages communication between PTO and school families through various channels, including PTO website, PTO Facebook page, email, quarterly newsletter, and other methods.
Vice President: In the absence or disability of the President, or in the event of the President’s failure to fulfill duties, perform any or all of the duties of the President, and when so acting, will have the powers of, and be subject to the restrictions on the President. Help develop and deliver all PTO fundraising activities. In collaboration with President create a calendar of PTO events for the school year.
Treasurer: Responsible for all funds that pass through the organization’s doors. This includes money collected at events and fundraisers as well as the disbursement of funds. The treasurer is also responsible for ensuring accurate bookkeeping.
Secretary: Attends PTO and General PTO board meetings. Takes meeting minutes summarizing discussions and documenting decisions.
Committee Positions​
Trunk or Treat: Trunk or Treat is where kids trick or treat from trunk to trunk! Volunteers decorate the trunks of their cars and pass out candy.
Shake Hands with a Hero: Our Veterans Day celebration. Coordinate event, flyers, volunteers, and day of set-up.
Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser: Coordinates the fall cookie dough fundraiser, including the timing, the kick-off event, the accounting, & the delivery. Communicates with catalog company head to coordinate timing of event and information needed. Coordinates distribution of catalogs and order forms, collects and tabulates order, and schedules workers to assist with distribution of orders. Workers spend a few hours on the day the orders are delivered to assist in sorting.
Santaland: This sale provides a place for children to shop for holiday gifts on their own. Chairperson arranges volunteers to make purchases and to set up merchandise to be sold.
Family Glow Dance: A night of music, dancing, and glow sticks at the school! Concessions and glow items sold too.
Bingo Night: A fun and relaxing night for families to play bingo and win fun prizes. Chairperson will coordinate event, distribute flyers and posters, and handle audio-visual equipment.
Talent Show: This team sets up an event to celebrate students, letting them share their talents in a live presentation with friends and families. The team will coordinate with students on their presentations, set-up the schedule, A/V and stage display, and coordinate the live event.
Fun Run: A jog/walk-a-thon fundraiser. Encourages students to participate by collecting donations from friendly faces while promoting the importance of physical fitness. Volunteers needed to coordinate event and work the day of the event.​
Teacher’s Appreciation: A national celebration of our wonderful teachers. Chairperson will coordinate with volunteers help, a teacher luncheon as well as some other fun treats for the teachers.
If you are interested in volunteering, coordinating an event or program, or if you have a question, please email president@westergardpto.org